Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder (Adults)

Adult and children specific services
Maintenance of skills, support for social participation mainly through home support. CLSC services
  • Psychosocial assessment
  • Support in social and community integration
  • Support in the organization of services
Intemediate and family type resources services
  • Family and intermediate type resources
Specialized services
Adaptation and rehabilitation services aimed at developing or resuming lifestyle habits aimed at optimal functional autonomy at the personal, residential, social, school and professional levels. CLSC services
  • Services for loved ones : psychosocial support, support for skills development and support for families, among others through support measures for caregivers.
Physical disability rehabilitation center services
  • Physical impairement component : Intensive functional rehabilitation units (URFI) : external functional rehabilitation; visual impairment, neurotrauma : BOG, TBI spinal cord injury, spinal cord injury, burn victims, communication aid, technical services aid (SAT), language impairment child motor impairment.
  • Services for loved ones : psychosocial support, support for skills development and support for families, among others through support measures for caregivers.
Intellectually impaired and autism spectrum disorder rehabilitation services
  • Continuous assistance residences (RAC), services for serious behavioral disorders, day activity centers, adult services, and adolescents and intensive behavioral intervention (ICI) for 5 year-old children with ASD and less.
  • Services for loved ones : psychosocial support, support for skills development and support for families, among others through support measures for caregivers.


  • Plan for interpreters and bilingual staff if available for speech therapy services.